Hip Physical Therapist Colorado

Need a Hip Physical Therapist in Colorado, USA who understands hip and pelvic pain and can help you?

Hip Pain Help is Here!

Hip Pain Help aims to assist you in finding the right hip and pelvic pain physical therapist in Colorado. They work using the latest evidence informed research and information.  They will help educate and inform you about your condition and how you might manage it.  They will progress you through a rehabilitation program based around what is most up-to-date.  Search through our members below to find a ‘Hip Pain Professional’ who is experienced in this area of hip and pelvic pain, who will work with you and your problems, helping you towards your aims and goals.  Let us help you get back on the road to recovery, and moving in the right direction.


Nancy Quick

Hip Physical Therapist (Colorado)

Dr. Quick received her B.S. in Physical Therapy from the University of Colorado Health Science Center, Her Masters degree in Biomechanics from the University of Northern Colorado and her PhD in biomechanics from the University of Kentucky. She has worked in a variety of orthopedic and neurological clinical settings over the past 25 years. From 1995 until 2007, she worked as a physical therapy professor and researcher.  She now runs Berkana.


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