Dr. Semanson is a board-certified orthopedic specialist in physical therapy specializing in performing arts medicine and has been teaching and providing physical therapy services in New York City for over 17 years. She currently provides physical therapy services and yoga instruction in her private practice to active people seeking specialized care, specifically in treating hip pain and hEDS/EDS. Dr Semanson's passion in treating hip pain commenced before her career in physical therapy as a young dancer with a hip injury. Treating hip pain has remained a consistent thread of passion throughout her career, from treating yoga practitioners, dancers of varying styles and levels to teaching PT students and clinicians evidence-based nonsurgical, pre & post-surgical treatment of hip conditions.
Dr. Semanson incorporates her vast experience and training as a certified manual physical therapist, dancer, registered yoga teacher and certified mat Pilates instructor into physical therapy sessions to treat a wide range of musculoskeletal injuries to restore function and optimize performance. She consistently seeks additional educational opportunities regarding the latest techniques in the treatment of hip pain through Alison Grimaldi's course offerings and is a member of Alison Grimaldi's Hip Academy.