
Gillian Smith


Innovative Physio, Melbourne


Gillian Smith


Innovative Physio, Melbourne

About Gillian Smith

Gillian Smith has a special interest assessing and treating bother associated with hip and pelvic pain. Gill has two postgraduate qualifications in Physiotherapy. In 1997 she spent a year studying Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. She refined her skills in assessing  musculoskeletal condition and developed advanced clinical reasoning skills to form a sound diagnosis and consequent treat plan unique to that client. In 2009 she undertook six month postgraduate training in Continence and Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation which taught her how to assess and rehabilitate issues associated with the bladder, bowel and pelvic organs due to dysfunction with the pelvic floor muscles. This study allowed her to understand in more detail the important link between the pelvis and the hip.

Gillian is passionate about Pelvic and Hip  Health and keenly continues to advance her knowledge in this field of study. She is a great advocate for lifelong learning. Gillian is also a mother and appreciates the challenges of work life balance. This topic is often spoken about in our fun, nurturing Pilates group  classes.

Gillian has been using the real-time ultrasound for assessment and client biofeedback rehabilitation. Many people are visual learners, seeing their muscles working on the screen and connecting to these muscles correctly brings about immediate positive outcomes. Gillian uses the real-time ultrasound on most muscle groups of the body with a special focus on rehabilitating the hip, lower back and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Gillian integrates clinical expertise with evidence-based research, in the assessment and management of movement disorders. Cognitive Functional Therapy underpins her clinical practice and is foundational to her teaching of Pilates.

Gill is a great advocate for lifelong learning, currently studying Conservative Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Gill's focus is empowering women to have a strong well-functioning body.

About Gillian Smith

Gillian Smith has a special interest assessing and treating bother associated with hip and pelvic pain. Gill has two postgraduate qualifications in Physiotherapy. In 1997 she spent a year studying Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy. She refined her skills in assessing  musculoskeletal condition and developed advanced clinical reasoning skills to form a sound diagnosis and consequent treat plan unique to that client. In 2009 she undertook six month postgraduate training in Continence and Pelvic Floor Muscle Rehabilitation which taught her how to assess and rehabilitate issues associated with the bladder, bowel and pelvic organs due to dysfunction with the pelvic floor muscles. This study allowed her to understand in more detail the important link between the pelvis and the hip.

Gillian is passionate about Pelvic and Hip  Health and keenly continues to advance her knowledge in this field of study. She is a great advocate for lifelong learning. Gillian is also a mother and appreciates the challenges of work life balance. This topic is often spoken about in our fun, nurturing Pilates group  classes.

Gillian has been using the real-time ultrasound for assessment and client biofeedback rehabilitation. Many people are visual learners, seeing their muscles working on the screen and connecting to these muscles correctly brings about immediate positive outcomes. Gillian uses the real-time ultrasound on most muscle groups of the body with a special focus on rehabilitating the hip, lower back and pelvic floor muscle dysfunction. Gillian integrates clinical expertise with evidence-based research, in the assessment and management of movement disorders. Cognitive Functional Therapy underpins her clinical practice and is foundational to her teaching of Pilates.

Gill is a great advocate for lifelong learning, currently studying Conservative Management of Pelvic Organ Prolapse.

Gill's focus is empowering women to have a strong well-functioning body.

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