Physiosports Brighton, Melbourne
Physiosports Brighton, Melbourne
In 2008, I passed my Fellowship exams, in the area of Sports Physiotherapy, with a recognised sub-specialty of the Hip. Leading into this time, and since, I have followed closely the key areas of diagnosis, specific management principles for all categories of hip pain including Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome, Hip Dysplasia, Hip OA, exercise rehabilitation of the hip, hip specific requirements for return to activity/sport, surgical indications and types for hip pain, and everything in between, and how this knowledge translates into high value care for patients suffering from hip pain.
The focus of clinical contact will be to work with you on the following:
You can engage me to:
I have experience with more severe cases who have failed to get better with surgery, who have had multiple hip surgeries and in the undesired case, are worse off after it. I provide an opinion as to whether you are a candidate for hip surgery, and if you were to consider surgery, start the process of educating you about which surgery and why.
Your hip injury or hip pain experience can be influenced by many factors and is not always fully defined by the structure of the hip itself. Many people have findings on MRI of the hip that do not relate to the pain experience. We can work together to determine what imaging findings are clinically relevant for your hip pain experience. Identification of all of your factors can often expand the target areas for recovery and increase your fullness of recovery. The longer you have had hip pain, the more likely your body has adapted around the pain. Attention to re-stimulating areas of your body that have not moved as much, remote from the hip joint itself, can often integrate the hip back into a more dynamic whole body. This is another way of searching for recovery options in the presence of long term hip pain. You can expect to learn how to apply practical pain education principles in the context of your hip pain experience, to add to your recovery. I'm interested in you getting your "MOJO" back. Education is key to your ability to progress your own recovery. We will work equally, as a team, to plan and execute your hip pain recovery plan.
There is a lot of research being done globally to assist clinicians to help people recover fully from their hip pain experience. I am involved in the research process so that we can gain more evidence to inform how we can best structure your rehabilitation. Through 2016-2019 I held an Adjunct Fellowship position at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland. The aim of this time was to explore the function of the inside leg muscles, in particular Adductor Magnus. The goal here was to provide information to clinicians that can be used, along with all the other research information available around the muscles of the hips and pelvis, to assist assessment and rehabilitation of hip/groin / lower limb pain conditions. This research has added to knowing more about the function of adductor magnus: that it has two functionally separate parts and direction specific actions for each portion and this is likely relevant to consider for rehabilitation of some people with hip pain. The first paper was published in 2018. The paper titled Adductor Magnus: An EMG Investigation into Proximal and Distal Portions and Direction Specific Action can be accessed via the link below. We are currently processing data related to the relative exercise intensity and proportionate activity of each of the two functionally separate parts of Adductor Magnus during eight common lower limb rehabilitation exercises in healthy young adults. This will assist to inform possible Key Assessment Tests for this muscle and the selection of specific muscles for rehabilitation, depending on the individual needs. A third study informing the timing of action of these two separate parts of Adductor Magnus during walking is also underway. I look forward to sharing results with you as they become available.
Currently I am a clinician for a research project investigating Pain Education and Physical Activity for Osteoarthritis Patients. I am doing further training to learn more about all of the factors that influence the experience of osteoarthritic pain and will be providing Pain Education along with exercise/physical activity rehabilitation for patients in the study. This study is being run by the Body in Mind Research Group. This opportunity will increase my Applied Pain Education skills for the clinic and my intention that this will improve the quality of pain recovery outcomes for my patients with Hip OA.
In 2008, I passed my Fellowship exams, in the area of Sports Physiotherapy, with a recognised sub-specialty of the Hip. Leading into this time, and since, I have followed closely the key areas of diagnosis, specific management principles for all categories of hip pain including Femoroacetabular Impingement Syndrome, Hip Dysplasia, Hip OA, exercise rehabilitation of the hip, hip specific requirements for return to activity/sport, surgical indications and types for hip pain, and everything in between, and how this knowledge translates into high value care for patients suffering from hip pain.
The focus of clinical contact will be to work with you on the following:
You can engage me to:
I have experience with more severe cases who have failed to get better with surgery, who have had multiple hip surgeries and in the undesired case, are worse off after it. I provide an opinion as to whether you are a candidate for hip surgery, and if you were to consider surgery, start the process of educating you about which surgery and why.
Your hip injury or hip pain experience can be influenced by many factors and is not always fully defined by the structure of the hip itself. Many people have findings on MRI of the hip that do not relate to the pain experience. We can work together to determine what imaging findings are clinically relevant for your hip pain experience. Identification of all of your factors can often expand the target areas for recovery and increase your fullness of recovery. The longer you have had hip pain, the more likely your body has adapted around the pain. Attention to re-stimulating areas of your body that have not moved as much, remote from the hip joint itself, can often integrate the hip back into a more dynamic whole body. This is another way of searching for recovery options in the presence of long term hip pain. You can expect to learn how to apply practical pain education principles in the context of your hip pain experience, to add to your recovery. I'm interested in you getting your "MOJO" back. Education is key to your ability to progress your own recovery. We will work equally, as a team, to plan and execute your hip pain recovery plan.
There is a lot of research being done globally to assist clinicians to help people recover fully from their hip pain experience. I am involved in the research process so that we can gain more evidence to inform how we can best structure your rehabilitation. Through 2016-2019 I held an Adjunct Fellowship position at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, University of Queensland. The aim of this time was to explore the function of the inside leg muscles, in particular Adductor Magnus. The goal here was to provide information to clinicians that can be used, along with all the other research information available around the muscles of the hips and pelvis, to assist assessment and rehabilitation of hip/groin / lower limb pain conditions. This research has added to knowing more about the function of adductor magnus: that it has two functionally separate parts and direction specific actions for each portion and this is likely relevant to consider for rehabilitation of some people with hip pain. The first paper was published in 2018. The paper titled Adductor Magnus: An EMG Investigation into Proximal and Distal Portions and Direction Specific Action can be accessed via the link below. We are currently processing data related to the relative exercise intensity and proportionate activity of each of the two functionally separate parts of Adductor Magnus during eight common lower limb rehabilitation exercises in healthy young adults. This will assist to inform possible Key Assessment Tests for this muscle and the selection of specific muscles for rehabilitation, depending on the individual needs. A third study informing the timing of action of these two separate parts of Adductor Magnus during walking is also underway. I look forward to sharing results with you as they become available.
Currently I am a clinician for a research project investigating Pain Education and Physical Activity for Osteoarthritis Patients. I am doing further training to learn more about all of the factors that influence the experience of osteoarthritic pain and will be providing Pain Education along with exercise/physical activity rehabilitation for patients in the study. This study is being run by the Body in Mind Research Group. This opportunity will increase my Applied Pain Education skills for the clinic and my intention that this will improve the quality of pain recovery outcomes for my patients with Hip OA.
University Qualifications & Awards
Years of Clinical Practice
Positions & Skills