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Dr. Alison Grimaldi Dr. Alison Grimaldi, who is a foundational member of this site, Hip Pain Help, is also a highly experienced physiotherapist, researcher and educator. Alison has a well-established professional site, , where she provides health professionals with a number of opportunities for advancing their knowledge and practical skills in the assessment and management of hip, pelvic and groin pain. Online Learning Online […]

Terms and Conditions Company: Pain Professionals ABN: 56 589 967 503 Websites: (together “the Website”) General provisions A reference to “You” or “Your” in these Terms and Conditions means a reference to the Applicant named in the Application accompanying these Terms and Conditions. Any waiver or relaxation, in whole or part, of any rights […]

Privacy Policy This Website uses cookies to inform, optimize and serve ads based on your past visits to the Website. This is done via the Facebook pixel remarketing service which is provided by Facebook Inc. You can learn more about interest-based advertising from Facebook here. To opt-out from Facebook’s interest-based ads follow these instructions from Facebook. For more information […]

Plans Hip Pain Professionals Subscription Plans To maintain accountability and high standards of the Hip Pain Professionals in our directory, all listings must include at least one individual practioner’s profile (this is included in the membership fee). Multiple individuals can be listed under a practice listing – there is an additional charge for each additional […]

Hip Pain Treatment There are many different options for hip pain treatment. Here are a list of many of the more common ways to manage your painful hip issue. We believe finding the right individual to assist you in your recovery is the best path to appropriate hip pain treatment. Advice & Education Often the […]

Hip Pain Explained. Learn about the anatomy of the hip/pelvis area and the common painful issues of joint, ligament, bone, muscle, tendon, nerve & other.

Help Starts Here 4 Steps to Hip Pain Relief Take the four steps to Hip Pain Relief 01 LISTEN Listen To Your Body Most aches and pains settle quickly by themselves or with some modified activity over a couple of days, but it’s not a good idea to ignore severe pain or niggling pains that […]

For an additional fee you can upgrade and gain access to: our Hip Pain Help professional community including resources, special offers, professional support and networking. View our range of membership options and inclusions. Or purchase Full Membership Terms: $60 / Year The information submitted here is for administration, payment and legal purposes and will not […]

About Us Mission Statement & About Us Hip Pain Help’s mission is to provide the best outcomes for those around the world suffering from hip and pelvic pain, by connecting them with high-quality information and Hip Pain Professionals who practice person-centred, evidence-informed care. Hip Pain Help is a hub that connects individuals with high-quality information and a growing […]

Need Information on a Common Hip Problem? Choose from our A to Z list of common hip problems to find detailed information. Check back for regular updates! A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A Acetabular dysplasia […]


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