Check Out More You Can Read on this Area at HipPainHelp:
Pain Locator Map visit here to learn more about back or peripheral nerve related pain in different regions around the hip and pelvis.
Hip-related Sciatica, including Piriformis Syndrome and Deep Gluteal Syndrome. Learn more about pain through the buttock related to nerves in that area.
Is My Hip Pain Nerve Pain (Neuralgia or Radicular Pain? Nerve pain can occur around the hip and pelvis. Nerve pain can be caused by many things. Radicular pain relates to the back, neuralgia to local nerves.
- Recovering from Piriformis Syndrome, Deep Gluteal Syndrome or Hip Related Sciatica. If you feel your symptoms are referred from the back but may be due to the nerves that run directly through the pelvis and hip, this self help program may be for you.